Peter van Eijk - Publications

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P.H.J. van Eijk. Software Tools for the Specification Language LOTOS, Ph.D. Thesis University of Twente, 1988. 116 pages.
P. van Eijk, C. Vissers and M. Diaz. The Formal Description Technique LOTOS, results of the ESPRIT SEDOS project, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1989. 451 pages.


The following articles in this section are all in dutch. You can skip ahead.

Keten Service Level Management, met René Post en Kyrill Poelmans. Oktober 2001. Verschijnt in de Automatisering Gids

Time management voor verkenners, Oktober 2001.

Verslag van het ICT kenniscongres, Sept 2001.

Assessment van Computer netwerken, Juli 2001. Verschenen in het handboek netwerk management (pdf versie)..

Migratie van IP netwerken. voorjaar 2000. Verschenen in het handboek netwerk management (pdf versie).

Electronisch zakendoen vereist goede architectuur. met Wout Hofman. Januari 1999, Automatisering Gids.

Toepassing van standaarden maakt architectuur belangrijker, met Kees van Hee, oktober 1998, Automatisering Gids

Hoe ga je om met E-mail? december 1997, Zakelijke communicatie, Wolters Kluwer.

Informatica moet filosofie omarmen. April 1998, Automatisering Gids.

De BAND was het personeelsblad van CvI (inmiddels overgenomen door EDS), de CvI Output was een blaadje voor relaties, waarin deze artikelen een tijdlang de rubriek ponskaart hebben gevuld. De volgende zijn de originele artikelen, de gepubliceerde versies zijn meestal iets ingekort door de redactie.

Procesbeheersing Een artikel uit de BAND over produktiviteitsverbetering in de software ontwikkeling, sept 1993.

Telematica. Een artikel uit de BAND, okt 1993.

Virtual Reality. Een artikel uit de CvI Output.

User interface. Een artikel uit de CvI Output, okt 1993.

(N)etiquette. Een artikel uit de BAND over omgangsvormen in het elektronische berichten verkeer, januari 1994.

De Electronische Snelweg. Een artikel uit de CvI Output, juni 1994.

Hoe nuttig is CVI? Een artikel uit de CvI Output, okt 1994.

Struikrovers op de informatiesnelweg. Een artikel uit de CvI Output, dec 1994.

Column? Welke Column. Een artikel uit de CvI Output, feb 1995.

Dat moet jij niet willen! april 1995, voor CVI output.

"Informatica, Kloof tussen theorie en praktijk", Automatiseringsgids maart 1993.


Hippo, a simulator for LOTOS, produced as the result of the ESPRIT SEDOS Project, 1986. Approximately 120 licensees world wide.

Directed the development of SMILE, a LOTOS simulator developed under the ESPRIT LOTOSPHERE project, 1993.

Prototyped and directed the development of kimwitu, a software generator tool, which can speed up software development by an order of magnitude, 1990.

Part of Book.

"The Design of a Simulator Tool". in: "The Formal Description Technique LOTOS, results of the ESPRIT SEDOS project", (edited with C. A. Vissers and M. Diaz), North-Holland, 1989.

Refereed Conferences.

"Software Tools for the Design of Protocol Systems" in: NGI-SION congres proceedings pp497-510 Utrecht, The Netherlands, May 1986.

"A Comparison of Behavioural Language Simulators" in: IFIP protocol specification, testing and verification, VI pp85-97 (ed) B. Sarikaya, June 1986, North-Holland.

"A Useful Application of Formal Procedure Parameters" ACM SIGPLAN notices Vol 21 #9 Sept 1986, pp77-78.

"LOTOS Tools based on the Cornell Synthesizer Generator" in: "Proceedings of the ninth international symposium on protocol specification, testing and verification", (ed) H. Brinksma and G. Scollo and C. A. Vissers, North-Holland 1989.

"Tools for LOTOS specification style transformation" in: "Formal Description Techniques - Proceedings of the FORTE 89 Conference", (ed) S. T. Vuong, North-Holland, 1990.

"On the use of specification styles for automated protocol implementation from LOTOS to C" (with H. Kremer and M. van Sinderen) in: "Proceedings of the tenth international symposium on protocol specification, testing and verification", (ed) L. Logrippo and R. Probert (?), North-Holland 1990.

"Attribute Grammar Applications in Prototyping LOTOS Tools" in: "Proceedings Workshop on Attribute Grammars and their applications". (eds) P. Deransart, M. Jourdan, Springer-Verlag, LNCS 461, 1990.

"Design of the LOTOSPHERE Symbolic LOTOS simulator" (with H. Eertink) in: "Formal Description Techniques - Proceedings of the FORTE 90 Conference", (eds) J. Quemada et al, North-Holland, 1991.

"An Exercise in Protocol Synthesis" (with J. Schot) in: "Formal Description Techniques - Proceedings of the FORTE 91 Conference", (eds) G. Rose et al, North-Holland, 1992.

"The Term Processor Generator Kimwitu" (with A. Belinfante, H. Eertink and H. Alblas) in: "Proceedings of TACAS ´97, Tools and Algorithms for the Construction and Analysis of Systems", (eds) H. Brinksma et al, 1997.

"Verifying Relay Circuits using State Machines", Feb 1997 (also in TeX format, and HTML). Presented at the SPIN 97 workshop, Enschede Netherlands, April 5, 1997.

Technical Reports.

"Het denken van de programmeur." (How do programmers think, in Dutch) Juni 1983. Heymans Bulletin 83-HB-640-EX, psychologisch instituut, and TW-254, Mathematisch Instituut, Rijks Universiteit Groningen.

"A simple Relational Database system." co-author Matthijs Kuiper. Jan 1984. University of Twente memorandum INF-84-18.

"The Concrete LOTOS Syntax." May 1985. University of Twente memorandum INF-85-6.

"Software Tools for the Design of Protocol Systems", Okt 1985. University of Twente memorandum INF-85-21.

"A Comparison of Behavioural Language Simulators", 1986, University of Twente memorandum INF-86-7.

"The Design of a LOTOS Simulator." Dec 1986, University of Twente memorandum INF-86-38.

"An experiment in making a LOTOS verifier", May 1987, University of Twente memorandum INF-87-22.

"LOTOS Tools based on the Cornell Synthesizer Generator", Jan 1989, University of Twente memorandum INF-89-5.

"Tools for LOTOS specification style transformation", June 1989, University of Twente memorandum INF-89-35.

"Attribute Grammar Applications in Prototyping LOTOS Tools", Jan 1990, University of Twente memorandum INF-90-03.

"Yet another Yacc for Datatypes", Jan 1990, University of Twente memorandum INF-90-04.

"On the use of specification styles for automated protocol implementation from LOTOS to C" (with H. Kremer and M. van Sinderen), Jan 1990, University of Twente memorandum INF-90-05.

"The Termprocessor Kimwitu, manual and cookbook" (with Axel Belinfante), Sept 1990, University of Twente memorandum INF-90-45. See also more recent versions and sources.

"The Termprocessor Kimwitu, a system for generating language-based software" (with Axel Belinfante and Henk Eertink), Nov 1990, University of Twente memorandum INF-90-70.

"Design of the LOTOSPHERE Symbolic LOTOS simulator" (with H. Eertink), Feb 1991, University of Twente memorandum TIOS-91-2.

"Tools for LOTOS, a Lotosphere overview", March 1991, University of Twente memorandum TIOS-91-7.

"An Exercise in Protocol Synthesis" (with J. Schot), May 1991, University of Twente memorandum TIOS-91-15.

"The Term Processor Generator Kimwitu", (with Axel Belinfante, Henk Eertink, and Henk Alblas), Dec 1996, University of Twente CTIT Technical Report Series, No 96-49.

"Verifying Relay Circuits using State Machines", Feb 1997 (also in HTML). University of Utrecht - Department of Philosophy Logic Group Preprint series No. 173.


Some of my thoughts are being collected in an on-line series called Software in reality, in which I try to deconstruct software.

"How Human is meaning?" Summer 1982.

"Systematically constructing a CCS Interpreter", July 1988.

"Applications of Narrowing in the Verification of VPI", Sept 1995 (in progress, but likely to be abandoned).

Lecture Notes.

Protocol Implementation (Reader), 1990
Design Tools for Distributed Systems (Reader), 1991

Scientific Presentations:

June 1983, University Groningen: "Het denken van de programmeur."
Okt 1983, University Groningen: "Typering en Abstractie."
May 1986, NGI-SION congress: "Software tools for LOTOS"
June 1986, IFIP Protocol Workshop VI, Montreal: "a comparison of behavioural language simulators"
Jan 1987, AT&T Bell Labs, Murray Hill: "The Specification Language LOTOS"
March 1987, Cornell University, "Describing Interpreters with Attribute Grammars"
Dec 1988, University of Ottawa: "On a course in Protocol Implementation"
June 1989, IFIP Protocol Workshop IX, Enschede, "LOTOS Tools based on the Cornell Synthesizer Generator"
Aug 1989, SICS Stockholm, "Practical Experience with Environment Generators"
Nov 1989, FORTE 89 Vancouver, "Tools for LOTOS specification style transformation"
June 1990, IFIP Protocol Workshop X, Ottawa, "On the use of specification styles for automated protocol implementation from LOTOS to C"
Sept 1990, WAGA, Paris, "Attribute Grammar Applications in Prototyping LOTOS Tools"
Nov 1990, FORTE 90, Madrid, "Design of the LOTOSPHERE Symbolic LOTOS simulator"
Nov 1991, FORTE 91, Sydney, A Tutorial on LOTOS Tools.

Last modified: 18 sep 2000